KOOL-P eze nku

I'm Yours
Phyno Fino
You'll love me all
Baby For your sake
I fit fall enter river niger
Maka gi
M rapu Chinko Bata Hong Kong bread Ike nu
For your sake I'm not sure what to do
Okwa for your sake
I left my girlfriend lindaaa
Can't you see that my war with poverty and you bee go
You gave me my hit and you left me
It's the grave and the sun n 'igbo ekwelugo
I am me and I am ozor fa ekwelugo
That's why they ma call me baba Nku nunu
Baba nku
Tuo m Eze Nku nunu
Eze nku
O baby kpoo m baba Nku nunu
Tuo nu m Eze Nku nunu
I'm not sure what to do baby
Baby chelugodu!
I'm not sure what to do
I'm the Kool-P everybody talks about o
Because say
They don't see my billboard for roundabout o
But he doesn't doubt o
Back in the day they would say the boy is everything o
I just shout o
Kitaa, he's killing me and he's kissing me
O baby he's teaching me and he's kissing me
M fuzia ukwu gi, m mwaba Nku nunu
As per bank nunu
I can fall into the river niger
Maka gi
I rap Chinko Bata Hong Kong buru Ike nu
The car< br/>I'm not sure what to do with my life
I'm not sure what to do with my life
I'm not sure what to do with my life
I'm not sure what to do with my life />Oma nme my hit na o bago
I mazikwa na oru n'ijbo ekwelugo
I am me and I am ozor fa ekwelugo
That's why they ma call me baba Nku nunu
Baba nku
Tuo m Eze I'm sorry
I'm sorry
O baby kpoo m baba I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Ka m cholu gi ife baby
Akona m nwa eyiro m azu efe
Before I died I was Ana biko chee eche
Ma ka I na act-ilu holy nweje
I drank I solu m, m ga e treat-i gi ka adaeze
I don't have a jeep and I don't have a load
Drink give me a shot I don't have a smile Kai kai
I like them I don't have a smile early pai pai
Gwunye I'm under your roof, I'm your friend
I'm not alone, I'm not alone
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
I'm not alone
I'm not alone />Kool-P:
Ifugo nu na ezege bu Wood nunu
Wood nunu
And your backside bu I bu nunu
I'm going to the market to drink nnununu
For your number m mwawa Nku nunu
OH No No
I'm sorry I'm too sharp o
I'm sorry cos you too tap o
Shalewa don't look down o
For your matter I'll draw a map o
Drink malu mma
Ask solu ask solu m ooo
President says. .
I fit fall enter river niger
Maka gi
M rapu Chinko Bata Hong Kong bread Ike nu
For your sake I'm not sure what to do
I'm not sure what to do
I'm not sure what to do
I'm not sure what to do br/>You hear for your sake
I left my girlfriend lindaaa
Can't you see that my war with poverty you bee go
You make me my hit you beat me
I mazikwa na oru n'igbo ekwelugo
I am the one who is ozor fa ekwelugo
That's why they ma call me baba Nku nunu
Baba nku
Tuo m Eze Nku nunu
It's hard
O baby kpoo m baba Slow down
Gun me Slow down
Ka m cholu gi ife baby