Kop & Xerramequ Tiquis Miquis freedom

It is when we talk about fighting that I think that
Criticizing and limiting this cannot be
That we must not forget our recent past
And never, and never, and never
Never divide the unity that they will not pass
That you know, that I know, that they will not overcome us
And the voices, that they will not be silent
And that fighting, resisting not they'll crush us
And now, we'll have to go back to the street
Well I don't know any empire that has given up
In their power, the answer is popular
And we will, and we will do it.
To fight
And this is how we build the rejection
And we do not accept power, a violent power
That first executes the plural opinion
And then there is nothing we can
Do with the power that ends the insurgency and that
Kidnap and amputate that is what there is
To erase the memory that is the will
And perpetuate, permuting the state terror
That tramples and chokes thought
Hiding and forgetting and hiding
Solidarity Freedom (you want freedom?)
Airean joan eta atean kolpe bortitz bat juzungu du
Aska... saksutuna
Aska... saksutuna
Indakeriari sikkei sikke da ilunaga
Gaurkoa baino ilunagoa izan ez dedin biharra
Freedom (you want freedom?)
Freedom (you want freedom?)
Freedom (you want freedom?)