Kristen Graves score

So I'll just walk away
Ignore every lie you say
Tum back from watching you hate
You lose, cuz I refuse to be swayed
I don't like the way you stare
With your disgust heavy in the air
Full of loathing yet unaware
You can try to brake me baby, I'm not scared
Shame on me for
Not seeing you were keeping score
Shame in your for
Thinking I'd crumble down throught the floor
Oh it's pity your deserve
Cuz someday the last will be first
Watch out for thouse that you curse
This ain't the end, I'll come again once your learn
Shame on me for
Not seeing you were keeping score
Shame in your for
Thinking I'd crumble down throught the floor
You're sinking ship
I ain't going down with you
Judge me all you want
Keep on cheating
I'm not listening
You're a parasite, so go on
Shame on me for
Not seeing you were keeping score
Shame in your for
Thinking I'd crumble down throught the floor