Kublai Khan the gift of blood

i respect your skill to believe in someone like me
you caught sight of
a child in need. an abandoned seed
instead of simply walking away like most would
you picked me up
took my hand
you showed me trust
made a man
look now
here we are eye to eye
i owe you my life
this is one for the ones who are unsung
one mans mistakes. gifted a new son
to understand this love is to live it
though its hard i try to believe it
witness my brother kris
his son ryder james
new porter jay and sweet emily
restoring my faith in family
a sight that heals and enlightens me
im the lucky one
for all the self loathing bullshit i say
i can forget to see
beautiful effect
compassion can bring but
no love
for weak hearted fucks
who disrespect
the gift of blood
dewitt i wasnt your son
but you were more of a father than i could have asked for
my life will honor you
this is a song of strength