Kunze Heinz Rudolf madagaskar

Kunze Heinz Rudolf
Yours is my whole heart
They didn't want that at all.
They all wanted to export them.
The other command came completely late.
They didn't want that at all.
Okay, they always made big noises.
Who believes everything that's written.
They didn't want that at all .
The foreign countries just didn't let them do it.
At some point their patience ran out.
They didn't want that at all.
Then they started to hate in a panic .
In the end it's not their fault.
They could all be
sitting in Madagascar now.
Nice and warm, and actually a lot more space.
The whole thing World War II
A subject of jokes.
And not a bad thing to say about our country.
They didn't want that at all.
They wanted nothing more than to get rid of them.< br/>After all, it was also a war for us.
They didn't want that at all.
A mishap, it was only human.
When you plan, chips fall for victory.< br/>For example Madagsacar.
That would have been it.
Then the story wouldn't have happened.
They could all be
sitting in Madagascar.
Then Nothing would have escalated at all.
They didn't want that at all.
Text: H.R.Kunze, music: H.R.Kunze/H.Luerig