Kunze Heinz Rudolf was wirklich zaehlt

Kunze Heinz Rudolf
What really counts
When the moon hides its wrinkles
between black wings
When the tumbling juggler
forfeits his right to your applause
When the surf of blood breaks wearily on the heart's shore
There is no longer any way to Rome
And every curve describes your face
When the fist law of dreams
paints all worries with camouflage paint
when the conclusion of two hands
settles the outstanding score
when the longing becomes so great
that it is not enough front and back
overwhelms me your smile
and the star on my shoulders becomes light
What really counts
is only what needs to be changed
is the verdict that the judge forgets
to announce
br/>what really counts
(everything else will be found)
what really counts in the evening of the world
is everything that you are for me
When the deaf bullfighter
/>You can't hear the wild bull from behind
(its blade is rusty
and he does everything else wrong)
you throw ten thousand roses
into the arena and spill the animal
br/>you climb down and say quietly:
Come on, my hero, what should we do here
What really counts
is only what needs to be changed
is the verdict that the judge forgets
br/>to announce
what really counts
(everything else will be found)
what really counts in the evening of the world
is everything that you are for me
Let the people talk, they just envy us
get old and mean on the ladder
we get warmer and warmer and when the ice doesn't support us anymore
then we just keep swimming
What What really counts
is only what needs to be changed
is the verdict that the judge forgets to
to announce
what really counts
(everything else will be found)
/>What really counts in the evening of the world
is everything that you are to me
Text: Kunze
Music: Luehrig/Kunze