Kyle and Mikayla feat. Amy Withrow flatline

Kyle and Mikayla are the best cuz they are my youth pastors
Standing alone Ive got no where to run
the darkness creepes into my veins
filling my heart
with its, deadly poision
death comes to choke the life out of me
feeling the sclice of its razor sharp chains
i try to hold on
taking one breath at a time
my face
hits the ground
can save me now
you sweep me in you hold me close
you always said youd never let me go
so now youre im not alone
you wipe my cheek you grab my hand and lead me home
kissed by the light i open my eyes
emptyness, hurt, and confusion inside
the taste of the guilt trying to pull me down
the aftermathe showing the storm inside me
the weight of ground zeroing can blow my feet
why am i here? someone please give me a sign!
my face
looks to the sky
i need you in my life
you sweep me in you hold me close
you always said youd never let me go (never let me go)
so now youre im not alone
you wipe my cheek you grab my hand and lead me home
here with your arms around me
now feel im finally free
give me the strength to be what you need
sharing your love so that they can be free
you can heal any and every desiese
even the curse that once haunted me
give me the strength to be what you need
sharing your love so that they can be free
you can heal any and every desiese
even the curse that once haunted me
running as fast and far as i can
hiding from all the darkness that followed me, but it kept finding me
then all of a sudden i make a choice that allows the darkness to take me
take me away from this earth
my last breath is taken
my heart stops beating
and time stops
leaving me alone in the dark hearing all the cries, the screams
taking my childhood, my memories and my dreams
and buring them 6ft under
instead i awake to a life
a precious term that gets thrown around
i am thankful every day that im here
and not 6ft under
you should be too
(love you kyle and mikayla!)