Kyo York hello viet nam hello ha long

Tell me all about this name
That is difficult to say
It was given me the day I was born.
Want to know about the stories
Of the empire of old
My eyes say more of me than
What you dare to say.
All I know of you
Is all the sights of war
And film by coppola,
The helicopter's roar.
One day, I'll touch your soil
One day, I'll finally know your soul
One day, I'll come to you
To say, hello vietnam.
Từ far away on the high hills,
Hạ Long Æ° ba»©c compete for money!
Caº£nh The amount of money that comes out is small in price! Let's talk about the price of personal transfer! o!
Äảo nhaÆ° ông lão so»i lº¡i Äảo nhÆ° cánh buá»m!
Äảo I'm so sorry!
Hມ Long!
Hạ Long maº¿n yêu!< br/>Love you! Hạ Long used money!
you mãi nha»¯ng Äảo soº§n money!
To say hello Hạ Long!!!
And Buddha made of stone watch over me
My dreams, they lead me through the fields of rice
In prayer, in the light I see my skin
I touch my tree, my roots, my begin.< br/>Hello!
Haº¡ Long love!
Love you! Hạ Long used money!
how much money do you want!
To say hello Hạ Long!!!
Hello!< br/>Haº¡ Long love you!
Love you! How long to spend money!
To say hello Hạ Long!!!
To say hello Hạ Long!!!
To say hello Hạ Long!!!