La Leyenda te voy a cambiar

I'm going to change you
I'm telling you simply
I'm going to change you
Because I don't want to see you anymore
You were unfaithful to me
That's why I abandoned you
My betrayals heart
I don't forgive them
I'm going to introduce you
Who I'm going to change you for
You know her
She has the same color as you
Almost They look like you
Almost your same face
They look the same
They are almost the same
They live where you are
Take your conclusion
By who am I going to change you
Guess it my love
I am going to introduce you
Who am I going to change you for
You know her
She has the same color as you
br/>They almost look like you
Almost your same face
They look the same
They are almost the same
They live in the same place
Take your conclusion
br/>Who am I going to change you for
Guess it my love
Guess it my love
Guess it my love