Laberinto candido rodriguez

I'm going to sing a corrido
from a friend from my land.
They killed a brave man from the mountains in Copalquin.
one Monday morning he said
like this to his children
I'm going to Copalquin to settle some bills
when I arrived in Copalquin Adrian was
drinking Otaltios' music
the one he was playing
when rodriguez arrived they invited him to
take with me you have money the
that you want to spend
rodriguez answered them, risking his
hat to have a good time in Copalquin
I don't need money
Adrian tells Adelaydo man, be careful
We have to kill Rodriguez with orders from the government
Adelaydo tells him Don't go to sleep if
Rodriguez realizes that we are going to entertain them
he ordered the song to be played, Catarino and the rural people
when they were half a foot away, they began to shoot at him
when Rodriguez fell silent on a trench
they took two of his pistols and also his cheeks
the guero shouted Ruben shouted with great hope
now the bull fell silent, come and take off the leather
on the edge of the mountain range the pines could be heard crying
when they saw rodriguez dead that they were vandalizing him to bury
goodbye horse Alasan, goodbye horse repinto
goodbye rancho del pecual also that of san jacinto