Lacrimosa bresso

My last cigarette is stuck in my lungs
My words tremble towards you
Crowded with hope and fear
How petrified you look Sitting now
Loved - empty and sick
Bled dry - sucked dry
But your love flows through my veins
I'm not dead - no - I'm not dead
Yet I always hear your voice speaking to me
I still feel your lips on my skin
Your light still burns in me
I still love you
Still want I want to experience you
I want to feed myself with your spirit
I want to lose myself completely in you
All your beauty, all your splendor
The punishment of loving you - the punishment of me Love
Now I ask you - where are you?
Where are you now?
Hope crushed in my skin
Despair closed in my heart
Love felt in me< br/>Lies and tender words heard from you
My life clock adjusted - shattered
The memory damned
And always loved you
I still hear your voice to me speak
I still feel your lips on my skin
Your light still burns in me
I still love you
Please come back
Please...< br/>