Lacrimosa der letzte hilfeschrei

The last cry for help
Weeks and months go by
And loneliness stands by me
This is the reward - iron loneliness
This is the nightmare of my existence
Alone - forgotten - deported into exile
No love, warmth, hope only the longing burns in me
I only hear voices and chatter
but no one ever talks to me
/>I want to get out of here - I want to leave here
I don't even know what's wrong with me
I'm healthy...
Where are the people who promised me their love?
Where are the parents who fathered me?
Where are my friends who stood by me?
Where is the woman who loved me?
Has she forgotten me?
Has everyone forgotten me?
Have I been abandoned?
Have I been left behind?
Can no one remember me?
Can no one help me?
Am I all alone?
And where is the doctor?
Where are the nurses?
I need help!
I'm scared!