Lacrimosa kabinett der sinne

Back from immortality
Back home
And human again
Kissed the earth
And breathed the world
My eyes, the eyes go beyond
That Desire has me again
I am alive
In the cabinet of the senses I have awakened again
On my left an old man
On my right a goddess of tongue-lashing desire
Grun to the shimmer look
A radiant white
And renounce
Darkness falls over us
To her I dream
She wants my hope
She wants light
Her wants to live forever
She wants light
She wants her truth
She wants light
She wants to live forever
She wants light
From the shine of the sun is she escaped
Falling into the night with flaming wings
On the cliffs she watched over the sea
And pointed back to the stars
Succumbed to the shine on the first day
And finally laid myself in the sand