Lars L fools that is what we are

Politicians doesn't give a damn,
saying science is a made
up way to scam
Everybody wants to live the
American dream,
individuality, not a team
Fools, that is what we are,
standing there in a bar or
swimming in a warmed-up pool,
thinking we are cool
Fools, that's what we are,
driving around in a car
Fools, fools, fools – and we say
we have come far.
We have travelled on a river deep,
almost drowned and must have
fallen into sleep
In our own recovery no one was
to blame
The earth was not the same
Fools, that is what we … (repeat)
Feeling guilt or regret, soon it is
too late to make a change
we are right in the set,
isn't it strange?
Fools, that is what we … (repeat)