Laszlo Jones forgotten angels

So many broken people
Along my path I see
So any youths unstable struggling
To force destiny
So many women panting, thighs still dripping
Looking for a way
To make an apparation, to exist, to shine for a day
There is no explanation,
All that shines attracts the eyes that see
Those glitters spark temptation
Without regard to our realities
Somewhere along the way some are lost
And forced to face the shame
Not knowing life will never be the same
Crying out loud in the silence
The children of our violence
Still clinging to their lives
To reach us through this endless distance
Beyond the edge of the screen
Eyes lost and staring empty
Watching the lives of their dreams
Forgotten angels die
There'll be no consolation once it's gone,
It will not come again
There's only one chance to reach the godhood of today's consumer trends
It's all one can expect if they survive life might begin again
And slowly over time the memories will fade
Crying out loud in the silence
The children of our violence
Still clinging to their lives
To reach us through this endless distance
Beyond the edge of the screen
Eyes lost and staring empty
Watching the lives of their dreams
Forgotten angels die