Laura Woodley Osman wisdom song

The fear of the Lord
Is where wisdom starts
Above all else please guard your heart
For out of your heart flow the issues of life
It matters how you spend your time
There is a path that leads to life
A narrow way only few find
Meditate on God's word in the day in the night
You'll know blessings of every kind
Like a tree planted by water
Shall you be son, daughter
You'll bear fruit in season
You'll prosper, like a tree planted by water
Remember to pray
In Everything
Holy Spirit is here
Only believe
Supernatural life is yours everyday
Miracles in Jesus name
Do what is good
Do what is right
Flee from evil with all your might
Guard your ears
Guard your eyes
You have the mind of Christ
Like a tree planted by water
Shall you be son, daughter
You'll bear fruit in season
You'll prosper, like a tree planted by water
Forgive yourself
Forgive your family
Forgive your friends
Forgive your enemies
Do justice, love mercy
Walk humbly with your God
Remove offense
Make peace
Do not judge