Lavilliers Bernard la samba

Lavilliers Bernard
La Samba
Words and music: Bernard Lavilliers
(c) 1975 editions Labrador
1 The music rolled to exotic tempos
The lady on the first floor got the rhythm
And started dancing la la la la
To tropical tunes
And the whole grand standing danced the samba
br/>And all the high class danced the samba
2 The building next door which has a critical sense
being standardized for the middle management
Soon contaminated by the eccentric rhythm
Turned off the TV and danced the samba
3 The proles who lived in the emergency city
Including the soundlessness quickly sets the mood
were used to following the cadences
And the whole city danced the samba
4 A dead, powerless and static music
Oozed through the very aristocratic ceiling
But authentic joy rose from the depths
Mr. the director made his arrangements
5 Then the CRS of the rhythmic repression
Who swing no other way than with a stick
Ears plugged by huge portholes
Find someone responsible and did their job
6 Killed him © the guitarist, broke his fingers
Banned his music, supervised for a few months
But deep down the memories about the sledgehammers
The factory companions engraved the song.