Lead The Way hiding behind the flag

Safe in your own little world
Insular, you hear nothing from the outside
I would yell at the top of my voice until i'm blue in the face
But I know you'll never listen to me
I'm just a fucking pleb with nothing sensible to say
So lets sit back, relax, and watch another fat cat die of obesity
They don't give a fuck what you think of them
They never will
As long as their pockets are lined
Before the making of the man
Was a clear-cut, simple plan
To protect the people, do what's right by them
But now the plan's been tried
The ideal has quietly died
And been passed to power-hungry, hateful men
What's the point in protest if millions can take to the streets to be ignored?
Why do we bother to resist?
To highlight how big a joke this democracy is?
Hiding behind their flags they conceal their yellow skin
And the bullying won't stop until the world turns good ole red, white and blue.