LeetStreet Boys imaginary boys

She wants a boy like Link who doesn't talk but listens (Hey)
To another world with InuYasha she envisions
Compared to Tamaki every other guy's an eyesore
Like L she thinks that Light Yagami is to die for
If only I could be the hero heart throb
In the pictures by her bed
She wants someone who's perfect
Like the stories in her head
Every day I try so hard to play the part
But she plays hearts like toys
She drools over imaginary boys
She wants Edward Elric to be her Super Junior (Who are you calling short)
Her own Tuxedo Mask she's just like Sailor Moon
Her favorite band is Bad Luck yaoi is her every night's dream
Wish I was fair like Zack because she's my whole lifestream
If only I could be the hero heart throb
In the pictures by her bed
She wants someone who's perfect
Like the stories in her head
Every day I try so hard to play the part
But she plays hearts like toys
She drools over imaginary boys
Just like Pokemon she's gotta catch 'em all
I'm strung up like a scroll on her wall
If only I could be the hero heart throb
In the pictures by her bed
She wants someone who's perfect
Like the stories in her head
Every day I try so hard to play the part
But she plays hearts like toys
She drools over imaginary boys
She drools over imaginary boys
Imaginary boys