Legião Urbana eduardo e mnica

Who will one day say
That there is reason
In things done by the heart?
And who will say
That there is no reason?
Eduardo opened his eyes but didn't want to get up
He lay down and saw what time it was
While Monica took a cognac
In another corner of the city, as they said
Eduardo and Monica met one day by accident
And they talked a lot to try to get to know each other
It was a little face from Eduardo's course who said
There is one party legal e a people he wants with have fun
Strange party, with strange people
I não I am legal, não agüento more booze
And Monica laughed and wanted to know a little more
About the little boy she was trying to impress
And Eduardo, a little dizzy
I was just thinking about going there home
Ã^ almost two, eu vou me ferrar
Eduardo and Monica exchanged phone numbers
Then they called and decided to meet
Eduardo suggested a snack bar
But Monica wanted to see Godard's film
They met then It's in the city park
Monica on a motorbike and Eduardo on a camel
Eduardo thought it was strange and better not to comment
But the girl had dye in her hair
Eduardo and Monica were nothing alike
She was from León and he was sixteen
She studied Medicine and spoke German
And he was still in English classes
br/>She liked Bandeira and Bauhaus
Van Gogh and the Mutants
Caetano and Rimbaud
And Eduardo liked soap operas
And played football with buttons with her grandfather
She talked about the Central Plateau
Also magic and meditation
And Eduardo was still there
In the 'School-cinema-club-television' scheme
And, even with everything different
There really came, suddenly, a desire to see each other
And the two of them met they met every day
And the desire grew, as it had to be
Eduardo and Monica did swimming, photography
Theatre, crafts and went traveling
Monica explained to Eduardo
Things about the sky, the earth, the water and the air
He learned to drink, he let his hair grow
And he decided work, and she graduated in the same month
In which he passed the entrance exam
And the two celebrated together
And they also fought together, many times afterwards
And everyone says that he completes her and vice versa
Like beans and rice
They built a house a couple of years ago
Around when the twins came
They fought for money and held it together
The heaviest bar they had
Eduardo and Monica returned to BrasÃÂlia
And our friendship lasts I miss you in the summer
It's just that during these holidays they won't travel
Because Eduardo's little son
'Tà ¡ of recovery
And who will one day say
That there is reason
In things done by the heart €?
And who will say
That there is no reason?