Legs Nose Robinson goodbye bowtie

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Goodbye Bowtie
Legs Nose Robinson
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Goodbye bowtie.
We know this has to be, But please don't leave.
We always knew that he was a mad man, Running away from something, in a big blue box.
We always thought that there'd be one last plan, Saving the day again, in a silly hat
On christmas, they will cry
Goodbye bowtie.
On christmas, we will cry
Goodbye bowtie.
On christmas the world cries, We cry, Goodbye bowtie.
Goodbye bowtie
We know this has to be, But please don't leave.
We always knew his story was running out.
Everything has its time and every time must end.
We always knew that he'd try to right his wrongs.
When you run with the doctor, you know you won't run long.
On christmas, they will cry
Goodbye bowtie
On christmas, we will cry
Goodbye bowtie.
On christmas the world cries, We cry, Goodbye bowtie.
Goodbye bowtie.
We know this has to be, But please don't leave
Goodbye bowtie.
We know this has to be, But please don't leave.
Goodbye old eyes.
In our dreams there he'll be, Eleven and me.