Lemay Lynda jamais fidle

Lemay Lynda
Never Faithful
I will never be faithful to the men I love
I will never make myself beautiful for one and the same
My gaze is too wide to not see elsewhere
I will always have my heart separated into several
I will never be too afraid and never too sad
Love who never surprises me, never chains me
I always get caught up in someone's charm
All it takes is a new look or a new perfume
At the minute ultimate or I would be disgusted
Dance the most sublime discreet smile
On an angel's face that appeared by chance
And it had to pass below my gaze
I promise with my eyes what I have already promised
What I have already given and taken back a thousand times
It's not that I don't like it, it's is that I often love
It's that I love, every time, not for very long
You should never believe me when my eyes shine
If you knew the saliva that I waste
To tell, so loudly that my flame flickers,
My dreams of a giant and solid family
When I stop a little to make myself morality
There is this god with the physique of a football player
Who launches, with grace, into my field of vision
The formula is magic, I change myself into balloon
It's always a little stronger than my will
Than my resolutions, than my whole self
He could well please me without me provoking him
But it makes me angry when it's not reciprocal
I will never be faithful to the men I love!...
It's not that I I brag about it, it's because I confess to it
I have your esteem at heart and I know that I'm losing it
I didn't want to get there, but that's my conclusion
I will never be good at loving for good