Lex de Azevedo, Carol Lynn Pearson, Bobbi White the miracle of love

The miracle of love,
Has come into my life!
As simple as a hand on mine
As clear as eyes that shine!
As dear as lips that smile
And speak my name
This is the miracle of love!
The miracle of love,
Has touched me like the sun!
Has stuck a fire within my heart
And suddenly I warm now...
Safe from the storm...
Now in the miracle of love...
I'd never seen a miracle
I thought I'd never see one...
I never knew, when I saw you,
That you would be one!
The miracle of love,
Has made my life a song!
And I will sing it all day long,
and hum it while I'm sleeping!
My song is sweet thanks giving!
That always I'll be living...
Yes, always, I'll be living...
The miracle of love!

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