Lexington Bridge other girls

Hey you should know I?
ve never felt this way?
bout any girl before I?
ve made my choise Do anything to keep you that?
s for sure They can try to catch my eye but I?
ll never let you go Every step you?
ll walk away?
No I never let you go Other girls don?
t have a shot Baby you got me so caught up And I just can?
t get enough There?
s no other girl Other girls don?
t have a shot Baby you got me so caught up And I just can?
t get enough There?
s no other girl?
But you Oh there you go Baby you know what used to happen on the floor There we danced close But I never trade my baby for someone?
oh no They can try to catch my eye but I?
ll never let you go Every step you?
ll walk away?
No I never let you go Other girls don?
t have a shot Baby you got me so caught up And I just can?
t get enough There?
s no other girl Other girls don?
t have a shot Baby you got me so caught up And I just can?
t get enough There?
s no other girl?
But you I can?
t help but when you go Baby you should know for me you mean the world Don?
t know how to couldn?
t miss you No one?
s supposed to make me feel The way I do when I?
m around you Other girls don?
t have a shot Other girls don?
t have a shot Baby you got me so caught up And I just can?
t get enough There?
s no other girl Other girls don?
t have a shot Baby you got me so caught up And I just can?
t get enough There?
s no other girl?
But you Other girls don?
t have a shot Baby you got me so caught up And I just can?
t get enough There?
s no other girl Other girls don?
t have a shot Baby you got me so caught up And I just can?
t get enough There?
s no other girl?
But you