Lights, Camera, Attraction! reinventions

I've seen you pull through worse.
I've seen the way you can coerce
The maze in front of you to work itself into a straight line.
It's not quite like you planned this, you weren't designed to be alone.
So pull yourself out of this pit and take back what you're owed.
You always build yourself up to the point of tearing yourself down,
Keep cool, calm and collected.
You're thinking clearer now.
Reinvent the way you stand, plant your withered roots.
Pour a little substance into your unsubstantial mood.
Your passion's problematic; it leaves you in a rut,
Well if you let the sleeping dogs lie then the wolf will never wake up.
Panicked your breath just hangs there, a cloud of fraying nerves.
The colour runs right from your cheeks, a sickness you don't deserve.
You always build yourself up to the point of tearing yourself down,
Keep cool, calm and collected.
You're thinking clearer now.
Reinvent the way you stand, plant your withered roots.
Pour a little substance into your unsubstantial mood.
Your passion's problematic; it leaves you in a rut,
Well if you let the sleeping dogs lie then the wolf will never wake up.
Where is your courage?
I see a yellow belly.
The moon is rising.
You are no coward rise up too.
Reinvent the way you stand, plant your withered roots.
Pour a little substance into your unsubstantial mood.
Your passion's problematic; it leaves you in a rut,
Well if you let the sleeping dogs lie then the wolf will never wake up.
Pour a little substance,
Pour a little substance,
Pour a little substance, into your unsubstantial mood.