Lily-eM giving up

1: In the night where the lights are dark and shadows speak, We find eachother within the sound of heartbeats.
Under the crying sky and the crawling river beneath, We may fly with broken wings but we stand on our feet.
RAP: How can I get up on my feet again, shake the dust off and move on?
When pushing me down and lying to my face has been going on for so long.
How can I ever be whole again?
When my heart and my mind is so torn, consumed by your lies and your playing games - how can I ever be as I was before?
I used to be someone I was proud of, I used to be confident, I used to be strong.
I used to believe in myself, I used to smile and laugh, until you came along.
And suddenly I was just a shadow of myself, I didn't know what was going on?
Always feeling that something wasn't right, but YOU made me believe I was in the wrong...
YOU made me believe I was in the wrong (but I was, but I was, but I was...
I was right all along).
How can you keep on fighting when you don't know what you're fighting for?
How can you keep on believing when you don't know what to believe in anymore?
How can you keep on holding on to something that is already gone?
How can you keep on holding on to something that is already gone?
2: In the night where the lights are dark and shadows speak, We find eachother within the sound of our heartbeats.
Under the crying sky and the crawling river beneath, I may fly with broken wings but I stand on my feet.
M 2015