Lipgloss Twins doodle

Lisa, Lisa
High up higher
Tell it to the mountain
And be my spire
Clip clop
Clip clop
Tick tock, tick tock
Trick me not
Lisa, Lisa
Frankie, Frankie
What's your story?
Found your wallet
Got a picture inside looks
Kinda like me
Like me
Who are you
Frankie, Frankie?
Lisa, Lisa
Dust is coming
Shoots are showing
Our time is running out
Clip clop
Clip clop
Tick tock, tick tock
Trick me not
Lisa, Lisa
Frankie, Frankie
Who are you really?
Where are you going
And will we
Ever meet again?
(Some day
I wanna take the bull from the horns
I wanna take the wolf from the whistle)
Frankie, Frankie
(And did you hear?
Jack's gone
He's a real goner)
Frankie, Frankie
(Oh yeah, lipgloss twins)
Lisa, Lisa
Dust is coming
Shoots are showing
Our time is running out
Clip clop
Clip clop
Tick tock, tick tock
Trick me not
Lisa, Lisa
Lisa, Lisa
High up higher
Tell it to the mountain
And be my spire
Clip clop
Clip clop
Tick tock, tick tock
Trick me not
Lisa, Lisa
Frankie, Frankie,
What's your story?
Found your wallet
Got a picture inside looks
Kinda like me
Like me
Who are you
Frankie, Frankie?
(My country's emotional
And the beat is all shiny)
Frankie, Frankie
(Respect what smells of money
This country's beautiful)
Frankie, Frankie
Frankie, Frankie
Frankie, Frankie