Little Dead Bertha angel pain

My life is road in the bog of lie
My dreams is break and I get lost
Forgive and tell me- when I die
Indifferent angel, wicked ghost
Your low voice and lying words
As endless whisper in my head
I see the light and shades of gods
And now I die and now I damned
My heart in chains of endless cold
And in my wish not be change
You not be save all gold of world
I die my angel, I revenge.
My Indifferent angel
You are lying
I'll forever be free
And I'm dying
Darkness of the night endless cold of tombs
Worms begin his fest eating rotten bones of corpse
God is far away and not hear your foolish prays
Sorrow pain and fear and eternal sleep of gloomy graves.
Mystic force I mast break your mirror
Crazy sign of my evil fate
Endless night I'm your lonely hero
I'm arise in the fire of hate.