Lluis Llach laura

And today that i can do a song for you
remember when you arrived I remember when you came
with mystery of the simples, with mystery of the simples
the restless eyes, the haughty body, uneasy eyes, proud body,
and with the laugh of your fingers
vares fill my memories you filled my memories
with every note of your name, Laura. with every note of your name, Laura.
It's so hard for me to remember
how many stages have felt
our anguish for the 'avui our affliction for today
la nostra joia pel dem...... our joy for tomorrow...
at home, among so many friends,
o a sad exile mar enll..., or in a sad exile sea away,
your alŠ has never been missing, Laura. we've always had your breath, Laura.
And if hazard takes you far,
que les deus et guardin el cam¡, may the gods protect your path,< br/>may the birds walk with you,
may the stars caress you,
and in a rac¢ of this voice, and in a room of this voice, while I could make it heard, while I could make it heard, your sound will always be hidden there, Laura.
your sound will always be hidden, Laura.