Logan Hugueny-Clark black ops 3 the musical

(Player:) Robots ripped of both my arms.
So they had to give me new ones.
Folks at the Black Site were harmed
Carved up that is so inhuman.
Could it be 54 Immortals? Or Taylor now he's immoral?
Taking shots straight up with this guy who's crazy
Chop his sister's hand. could it work? Just maybe.
Hendrick's DNI is acting weird and hazy.
But there's proof it was Diaz, Taylor and that lady.
We find Diaz connected.
Blew his ass down we wrecked it.
Kill that one chick that I maimed so that i could rescue Kane.
It seems Taylor gave away secrets of the CIA.
One day he will pay (ay ay ay ay ayyy)
(Hendricks:) We're looking for a scientist Doc Salim
to interrogate him see if he knew the scheme.
(Said:)We need help to repel the NRC!
(Hendricks:)I don't give a fuck this' no concern to me.
While I was distracted Taylor snatched the Doc.
Put a bullet in his head cold as a rock.
We caught up to Taylor and surrounded his place
If you piss me off i'll punch you in the face.
Hall burst out in a giant mech.
'Till we brought the bitch down with superior tech.
Connect to her thoughts through the DNI
to Bastogne to kill Nazis who are not afraid to die.
And a creepy ass house full of the undead
they'll die much faster if you shoot them in the head.
It seems Taylor and his team were infected by a being
we find out where he's been hiding go fight NRC's machines.
(Player:) Blasting at the speed of sound
then we land on an oil rig.
Kick Moretti through the glass
impaled on a metal stick.
Taylro cut a deal with NRC
we worked with the Egyptian army.
We follow Taylor to the Lotus Tower
chased him to the roof packing firepower.
he fought back with a hellish missile shower.
Ripped his DNI in his final hour.
Hendricks shot him in the face
but that wasn't Hendricks' place
he's starting to lose his mind
he runs but i'm close behind.
In Zurich there's blood he spilled
heroically Kane is killed.
It's time for payback (a a a a ack).
(Taylor:) Frozen Forest this is Purgatory
created by the monster that consumed us in the story.
His name's Corvus, created as AI.
It wants to grow but caused many to die.
You have to defeat this anomaly
with the power of your mind you'll start to see.
That Corvus is weak and doesn't have a plan.
I'm gonna kick him in the nads while you try to understand
how to clean Coalescence and purge the gas
'cause if it leaks it will kill tousands so you better act fast.
Hack the console, make the people safe.
Watch for the dropship's machineguns as they start to strafe.
Once the deed is done it's time to celebrate!
Let's meet up in Purgatory for a drinking date!
After all now we are one since our minds are fused.
It's not hard to understand why do you look confused?