Look Left high school

I was a high school loser, never made it with a lady
suckin' on ya mom's spaghetti, born ready, roll a chevy
I'll put the soup on and we'll break the levy, another
Seagertown pickup and we stagger, it's heavy, Brotha
Another word to put ya mind in, get up, put your time in
a dozen to make you wanna rewind it
No, not again, I don't think I could take it
the education, you're not given it, you make it
can be a prizon, back, ya listen, up, you
had a bit of bitters, now ya quiters now ya, plucked
The level of importance that we press upon the years between
the age of walking in and walking out
they tell us it's the best time
can it be the best time or
did we all just waste time
killing ourselves over things that do not matter
How many kids you know that come undone
ya thin it's even started before yo hit 21?
I know 30 year olds who are stuck in the 10th grade, just wanna
shake 'em up, get in the truck, your bed is made, I gotta
take myself back, cause I can't remember who the
prom king was, or yet, even better if a
single bridge I had burned came back to hurt
permanent record now that's just absurd
let go the chains, let go the self, that
kept you always tryin' to be someone else if there's a
better negator of why to buy and pay later it's that the
price of admission is to become a self-hater
The level of importance that we press upon the years between
the age of walking in and walking out
they tell us it's the best time
can it be the best time or
did we all just waste time
killing ourselves over things that do not matter
The level of importance that we press upon the years between
the age of walking in and walking out
they tell us it's the best time
can it be the best time or
did we all just waste time
killing ourselves over things that do not matter
Things that do not matter
C'mon now
It gets better if you make it better