Los Hermanos condicional

I never wanted to lose you
So much so
I saw everything in the sky
I did everything in the sky
I gave you to anchor
Deleterious sweets
And I wanted to have my feet on the ground
I gave up so much
That today I understood
The dream is not dá
Ã^ flower bud
The taste of gall
is to cut
I know it's sweet to love you< br/>The bitter thing is wanting you for me
What I need is to remember, to see myself
Before having you and being yours, very well
I wanted never win you
So much that I forged
Wings on your feet
Waves to carry
I let them unravel
All the mysteries
I know so much I let you go
That you wanted me
I read it in every look
So much intention
I lived trapped
I know it's sweet to love you
The bitter thing is to want you for myself
What I need is to remember, to see me
Before I had you and was yours
What I wanted, what I did, what else?
And something we have to love
But what I don't know anymore
The days that I see myself alone
These are the days that I see myself more
And yet I also know
There is someone ©m to free me