Lucy and La Mer just friends

I just wanna be friends, kissy touchy lovey friends
Outside the bar, just friends. Back seat of your car, just friends
That's all we are just friends
You don't have to buy me food
And I can still call you dude
Play video games or get naked it's all the same cuz we're just friends
I just wanna be friends, kissy touchy lovey friends
During commercials just friends, when we're out of beer just friends
I hope it's clear we're just friends
Would not want to mess it up, no not this nice thing we've got
So though I like you a lot I think it's a good place to stop
Right here, just friends
(instrumental, trumpet solo)
I just wanna be friends, kissy touchy lovey friends
You'll get jealous I'll get hurt, but we won't admit we got burnt
Because we're just friends