Lucybell luces no belicas

So much protection
Among your hairs of grass
I carry my eyes still in blood
To light a fire and not lie
Give me a second
Between my incendiary fingers
I will be your salt carpet
Do not confuse the sea
With blindness you will hear me
They will not hurt you
They are lights, not pests
Cut to the chase< br/>If it is not healthy, it is already outside
Between your humor and my faith
Everything smells normal
With blindness you will hear me
They will not hurt you
They are not warlike lights
And they will pretend to know where to go
Inside you
The wind does not illuminate
Your voice shouts inside
The wind does not illuminate
And they are non-warlike lights
And they pretend to know where to go
Within you
And they are not warlike lights
And they pretend to know where to go
Within you