Ludwig Von 88 topolino

Ludwig Von 88
Everything For Trash
I want to go to Eurodisney to be completely delirious
Not end up with a boa devoured or stiff with penthotal
I want to go to the crazy country where we have fun non-stop
Where they feed you or ketchup not them electroshocks
I want to go Eurodisney to leave the filthy neighborhoods
br/>End up cool and retired without going through the lab box
I want to go far from death and hang out with the wealthy
Being a mouse okay being a guinea pig no thank you
/>I will go to the wonderful land where your ears grow giant
Where you can rinse your eyes for free watching horny Minis
I want to go to Eurodisney to open a sex shop
Hit it classy like in L.A. to end up with your nose in the dope
I want to go where the sun shines forever
Where the mice are nice and the ducks are nice
I want to go where the sun shines forever
Where the children are rich and don't live in slums