Ludwig Von 88 twist a koweit city

Ludwig Von 88
Everything For Trash
Twist In Kuwait City
Tonight it's so cool the blood is rushing to our heads
Have a blast on the opening nights lines
For the mustaches of Saddam throwing himself into the flames
To finally be able to see the world, through the barrel of an M-16
Tonight too clean I will go and shine my 20 years
br/>For a barrel of coke, for a line of brute
Even if Uncle Sam and Dow Jones shiver
Smash my life for the peace of the world
Tonight super style in the boî the nights of Caire
The golden Kuwaiti youth will burst out without respite
Patiently waiting for international aid
To patch up the gruyere that has become my country
And if I jump on a mine, twist in Kuwait City
Finally take my chance, twist in Kuwait City
To prove my love to you, twist in Kuwait City
Or die for France, twist in Kuwait City...