Luis Eduardo Aute tic tac

The future
that will be past
will not and has not given br/>because it has already passed,
being is not time
in the infinite
but dream and myth
that chance created
and in the face of the challenge
let that eternal absent person present himself
who died at birth.
Count and sing
the cipher waits
count and sing
waiting tactics
with its tick-tock, tick-tock
tic-tock, tác-ti-ca...
The present
is a mirage
that flees of himself
against the clock,
an instant
that already was has not been
and that is already gone
when it didn't even arrive
a spark between nothing and nothing
that crossroads
that love dreamed
on a whim
just to see each other
and recognize each other
between you and me.
It tells and sing...
Count and sing...
The future
which will be past
will not and has not given
wind up its clock
only the passage
of the uncertain now
is never delayed
because it has already passed.