Luis Eduardo Aute todo es mentira

I armed myself with armor to the teeth
and with what they call hero courage
so as not to slow down towards a goal
in which I never committed myself.
After falling seven hundred times
I managed to make the opponent lose his footing a little
and instead of feeling overwhelmed by the feat
I wondered why
to answer me: I don't know.
Everything is a lie except you
and if you were, I beg you, lie to me,
kiss me and tell me: everything is a lie
except you.
I wanted to believe some promises
that spoke of things that had to be changed;
faith, which was scarce, barely had time
to approach any altar.
Things changed but on the contrary,
following the rules of the juggling game;
pink cats,
gray, mauve, came out of the hat to hunt
the first mouse willing to talk.
I don't know what meaning life has
nor what coincidence separates good from evil,
I don't know if this body that encloses me is born
from something of mine It's a mineral.
What I have no doubt about
is that I commit the original sin
when every night the body that you offer me
is not a pillar of salt
but the earthly paradise.