Luna Pop la fiera dei sogni

Luna Pop
The Fair of Dreams
what a night
I didn't sleep at all
the beatings
yes the beatings
yes, those
I got them in my head but nothing
it didn't help anything
it just reminded me of people
those people who don't know
that a little girl
took all my dreams
what dreams
they were the ones that keep me going
but we can't go any further
and I'll go to the dream fair
I will go to the dream fair
which is cheap
there is a dream
called freedom
that I don't have
that I don't have
The sun
that sun
enters into the eyes
and the words
yes the words
I listen to a about Vasco
and the heart dies
and if it dies
it is suffocated by the bubbles of the sea
which rises
and will rise
and a little girl
/>he took all my dreams
and what dreams
they were the ones that keep me going
but we can't go any further
and I'll go to the dream fair
I will go to the dream fair
which is cheap
there is a dream
which is called freedom 
which I don't have
that I don't have
what a night
I didn't sleep at all
the beatings
yes the beatings
I took those on my head but nothing
it didn't help anything