Luna Sea mechanical dance

Ima itamiwo shiri taoresouni naru
Mou mienai taiyousae itai
Namidaga tomaranai karete shimau
Tsumiwo daita minikui karada E.D.E.N
Naniga tadashiinoka mou wakaranai
Shiroi yume nodoni sasaru
Namidaga tomaranai karete shimau
Tsumiwo daita kindaiteki rakuen
Daremo karemoga tsumetai kabeno naka
kuruisouninaru jibunwo osaeru Blue ni
Daremo karemoga tsukuri agerareteyuku
ushirokara mekakushiwo saretamama shirazuni
Jidaiga unda maboroshino hana dokuwo kazeni nosete kuruizaku
Kikaijikakeno Adam to Eve ga kazeto tomoni tsumito odoru
Daremo karemoga tsumetai kabeno naka
kuruisouninaru jibunwo osaeru Blue ni
Daremo karemoga tsukuri agerareteyuku
ushirokara mekakushiwo saretamama shirazuni
Jidaiga unda maboroshino hana dokuwo kazeni nosete kuruizaku
Kikaijikakeno Adam to Eve ga ima tenisuru furuenagara
Jidaiga unda maboroshino hana dokuwo kazeni nosete kuruizaku
Miraisae kesu Adam to Eve ga kazeto tomoni tsumito odoru
Miraino Eve yo oreni Melt away kareteyuke
Now I think I'm about to collapse from the pain
Even the sun I can no longer see is hurting
I can't stop the tears, I completely wither away
I embraced the sin, indecent body E-D-E-N
What's moral, I still don't know
The innocent illusion sticks in my throat
I can't stop the tears, I completely wither away
I embraced the sin, modern paradise
Everyone, inside the cold wall restrains their self that seems it will go
insane In blue
Everyone, is able to remove the blindfold from behind, without knowing it.
The flower of the vision born in this age poison is placed in the wind and
it flowers off-season
A mechanical Adam and Eve together with the wind, dance with sin
Even the future is erased, Adam and Eve now carry me while I shiver
Eve of the future, melt in me, and wither.