Lux Interna nida

into the heart of the woods
the light of the sap the face of all things good
in a blue church in Nida
I held Your hand
Your fingers entwined with mine
listen! they are bringing fire
from the next world and songs to sing away
the grey mask of Time
circling I saw the birds weave
together the broken body of G-d
re-membering the Divine
re-membering the Divine
and there crosshatched in
amongst the pooling shadows
I could read the names in the grain of the wood
by the light of Your body
and the flame of Your Tongue
a soft skin of silence
covered over all sad things
and I held You close
looking into the Face of
a gift given
from the heart of the wood
a gift given
from the heart of the wood
and the birds have left the fields but not Her heart
and the birds have left the fields
but not her heart