Lyonn silver screen love

I taste the air so close to where we swam with no clothes
Let the ocean soak your skin, with salty lips I stole a kiss
We climb the stairs, your tangled hair wet down your back
Seeing Silhouettes in your cigarette smoke on the walk home
You made me wonder, could life get better than this?
Am I living in a silver screen flick?
You made me wonder, could life get better than this?
I'm living in a silver screen flick.
I'm three words down.
We count the steps up your driveway
Little twinkling lights guide the way, through your door
My heart is sore from pounding so fast
I trace your back with my shaking hands
We catch our breath as we undress, I lay you down and hold you so tight.
You made me wonder, could life get better than this?
Am I living in a silver screen flick?
You made me wonder, could life get better than this?
I'm living in a silver screen flick.
Now i'm three words down
I'm losing ground
I'm three words down
All I want, is your silver screen love
All i want, is your silver screen love
All i want, is your silver screen love
I'm three words down
I'm losing ground
I'm three words down
All I want, is your silver screen love
I'm three words down
I'm losing ground
I'm three words down
All I want, is your silver screen love
You made me wonder, could life get better than this?
I'm living in a silver screen flick.