Maccabeats modim

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שִ××Ö°×Ö¸ ×Ö·×Ö°×ÖµÖ¼× ×Ö¼
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vdeh, nvdeh lecha
unesapper tehillatecha
'al chaiyeinu hammesurim beyadecha
mvdim 'anachnu lach
sha'attah hu h
'elkeinu velkei 'avvteinu
le'vlam va'ed
ve'al kulam
yitbarach veyitrvmam shimcha
shimcha malkenu
tamid le'vlam va'ed
We will give thanks to you and recount your Praise,
For our lives which are in your hands.< br/>Chorus:
We thankfully acknowledge you,
That you are God, our Lord, and Lord of our fathers forever.
For all of these, may Your name, Our King, be blessed,
Uplifted and elevated continually and for all time.