Octaves tax break

Don't get me wrong
I encourage all of you to have a good time
But if you insist on having a ball
Consider safety! (a)
Necessity she says to me
Has mothered all invention
So why with all we're lacking are there far too few to mention?
A downward spike in work ethic
Despite their parents' best intentions
Good faith only goes so far
When what you lack is good affection
What would once land any dunce within an instant in detention
Is now deplorably defended
If the childs showing signs of a disorder
A defficiency in attention
Your attention please!
I'd like to point out
Nearly pornographic imagery
Plastered on the wall
In your towns local department store
Just two aisles from the kitchenry
Red flags are flying all around the castle
Either the guards are colorblind
Or their troubles are far too large to tackle
Yet they wonder why their kids get stoned
And eat each other out...
Of house and home
When they full-well know
That the home is where the heart is
But pay no mind to proverbs, kids
A brief course in bio shows
That the heart is where the tit is
And a thorough inventory will reveal
That home
Is only
Where your shit is