Oliver Nelson Sextet march on march on

Ghostly laughter climbs down your spine
Don't worry, I'm sure you will be fine
Why, you asked
Well, because you are the scariest of your kind
Take my hand so you won't forget your way
Hurry, or else we will be late
Where to, you asked
A party to celebrate this special day
Don't make us wait
Tula pilatu kah luttata
Frightened face hidden under your mask
Tula putapittana tufeepah
Take it easy or we'll tie you up
Tula littata luppashah
Palila tufeepah tilatu lakkah
Your shaking voice itches my ears
Sing me a song
Look, the reflection in my eyes
Don't you see the monster live inside
Forgive me, please, you begged
Is this another trick of yours
You leave me no choice
Don't you escape
Tula pilatu kah luttata
Remember the faces that you've betrayed
Tula putapittana tufeepah
Have you ever stopped being jealous
Tula littata luppashah
Happiness built up on others' misfortunes
It's getting late, don't you think
We should move on to the main dish
Don't ruin any food on your plate
La pilatu kah luttata
That serious look on you's such a waste
Tula putapittana tufeepah
Let me carve a smiley on your face
Tula littata luppashah
Chocolate, biscuits, raspberry tarts
Open up big, I will feed you
Until your teeth rot
Can't you see your ugly self
Even poor mirror's about to break
Gobble down a piece of cake every lie you say
I wonder, How much would you weight
These layers of decaying skin are giving me a stomach ache
There's no need to dress up anymore