Oomph! mary bell

She was thrown into the world
Her mother was
Still a child herself who was a stranger to love
Cold and aloof
She was beaten and poisoned
And no rescuer came
Such small hands
No one ever took her in their arms
The tears dried up
It stifled her scream
Something inside her
Broke in two forever
This nightmare was real
And it never went away
Heaven is watching
When little hands do evil
It was there in the summer An empty
house captivated her
She wanted to play the worst thing
That you can play
Just a few children, all alone
No one saw it
/>The birds continued to sing outside
As if nothing had happened
As if nothing had happened
The tears dried up...
The sun rose
There was only cold in her
The empty eyes like steel-gray glass
The sky was silent
She couldn't feel anything
Not guilt and pity
Not even the dew on the grass
The tears dried up...
The sky is watching
Yes, the sky is watching
The sky is watching
When little hands do evil