Orion Rigel Dommisse resonator

myra quit fooling
inside the ether
its denizens will hunt you down
they know you can see them
and they don't like it
turn off the resonator now
or be lost become lost become lost
turn off the resonator now
or be lost and gone forever
taken by the resonator
heaven is a place you never imagined before
never had you taken so much
please have some more
ineffable savage beings surround you
how long must you let it go on?
you have already become one of them
turn off the resonator now
or be lost become lost become lost
turn off the resonator now
or be lost and gone forever
taken by the resonator
heaven is a place you never imagined before
never had you taken so much
please have some more
heaven is a place you never imagined before
never had you taken so much
please have some more