Orphalis hematemesis

Tearing, shredding, clawing back unto the surface
Wounded, bleeding, preying upon my senseless being
The serpents eyes mesmerizing
At every glimpse
An iron gaze, venomous in itself
Cold and willing
Never to veer from the goal
The fangs glinting
Death's grip reaches so silently
Piercing the surface
Past the epidermis
Scathing pain breaks free
Need to cauterize it
Deep beneath my skull
Sensations are rising
Actions based on this
Last, true grand deception
Tearing, shredding, clawing back unto the surface
Wounded, bleeding, preying upon my senseless being
Suffer unto me
My spite is endless
Suffer unto me
My victory means bondage
Suffer unto me
My spite is endless
Suffer unto me
My victory is doom
Feasting upon my carcass
With everlasting joy
My every breath haunted
By the serpents presence
Magnificent, majestIc
My body lies in shambles
The toxin, so alluring
My everlasting shackles