Orphalis lay bare the loam

Depravity through torment
Finite is this new awakening
Splicing, merging
Until a state of absolute perfection is reached
Carving a path through aeons
Old structures reshaped forcefully
Slicing, changing
Until a state of absolute perfection is reached
Decomposing so quickly
Soon no more, finally perceptionless
Snatching, fusing
Until a state of absolute perfection is reached
Depravity through torment
Finite is this new awakening
Splicing, merging
Until a state of absolute perfection is reached
Evisceration brings me closer to my achievements
View of the stars has never been enough
Still dreaming, so vivid
My fingers are still trembling
The spectacle mind numbing
I will have to rinse and repeat
Vivisection, my passion
Your end is not the casket
Rearranging every last piece
UntilIi will find the soul of man