Orphalis monuments to aneristic illusion

Intimidate, obscene splendour validate
Force fed hirarchy, instigate the powers that be
Temples to commerce, parliaments and courts of law
Palaces, cathedrals, suppression, shock and awe
World order imposition, force the bended knee
Subserviant divison, of pride and misery
Orders, to force at will the status - aneristic
Disorder arising from within - illusion
React, reject, regurgitate - aneristic
Dissolve in entropy to reform - illusion
Found in fervent apocalyptic lies
Disillusionment, the final fall
From a different sphere, from another time
Seems they’re losing there and their fears remain
Unspoken dreams caught in stupor
reawake with phoenix eyes
To redeem the lost and fallen
and rearrange the age-old lies
Dialectic struggle, upheaval, severed heads of state
Isomorphic Dys/Utopia
in the mind and the mob at the gates
Come the day they all shall fall
Monuments to an illusion
Insurgency, swarm energy
A monument to disillusion
Enter dissonance, equated time
World in upheaval, or stand in line
Gears of the god machine grind to fleeting halt
Past equilibrium swings the pendulum
As history unfolds
Enter dissonance, equated time
World in upheaval, or stand in line
Gears of the god machine grind to fleeting halt
Past equilibrium swings the pendulum